Hosts of Horror: An Elvira Photo Gallery Elvira, Mistress of the DarkElvira parodies NetflixElviraElvira, Mistress of the DarkElvira at Knott’s Scary Farm, 8/30/16Elvira at Knott’s Scary FarmElvira (photo by Matt Irwin)Elvira (photo by Matt Irwin)Elvira and her rideElviraElvira at Knott’s Scary FarmElvira, Mistress of the Dark (hi res)Elvira, Mistress of the DarkElvira, Mistress of the DarkElvira, Mistress of the DarkElvira, 1980’s publicity stillElvira “on the beach”Elvira (photo by Matt Irwin)Elvira in reposeElviraElvira for PETA.Elvira at Knott’s Scary Farm, 8/30/16Elvira, Mistress of the DarkElvira at Knott’s Scary FarmElvira with a black catElvira, with American FlagElvira, Mistress of the DarkElvira, Mistress of the DarkElvira in the eighties (black & white)Elvira, Mistress of the DarkonElvira with whipElvira, Mistress of the DarkElvira at Knott’s Scary Farm, 8/30/16Elvira at Knott’s Scary FarmElvira on The Tonight ShowElvira on setElvira, Mistress of the DarkElvira’s Haunted Hills PromotionElvira at CannesElvira on setElviraElvira, Mistress of the DarkElviraElvira, Mistress of the DarkElvira, Mistress of the Dark